The Embodied Babe

Grow As You Go Course 


Are you ready look in the mirror and see a more confident person? 


Are you ready to dive into the deep end of self-exploration so you can achieve the life you’ve seen in your mind?

I'm Bianca Taylor, and I want to personally help you find your purpose using all my proven methods of self-love and alignment.

I've taken the fundamental teachings of confidence and self love from my 1-on-1 coaching programs and turned them into a self-paced, interactive course. 

There's never a better time to start your healing journey and get some exclusive bonus material along the way!

Let's Grow!

STOP And Read This Before Going Any Further ...

It’s such a healing experience!

It’s hard internal work and you have to follow every single step you’re given – but when you do so, a whole new world opens up to you. You not only get to know yourself better by starting to understand which experiences in your life made you the person you are today, and how it’s all connected but what’s even more important:

You get to know who you WANT to be and HOW to become this very person. I made the first step into my life full of abundance by joining The Embodied Babe and I recommend  every woman who feels disempowered or judged by the society we live in joining.

-Melanie, Embodied Babe Client



Feeling the warm glow of love, from others and yourself

● Being seen because you’re standing in 100% authenticity.

● Striding through life with the utmost confidence in your actions, words, and intentions.

● Feeling yourself as the sexy and sensual being you are.

● Knowing your voice accurately carries your intentions, making you feel truly heard.

● Making decisions quickly and with confidence, and never second-guessing yourself.

● Intentionally stepping into an experience where you are financially successful.

● Experiencing profound fulfillment.

● Feeling a liberating sense of playfulness and happiness.

● Taking action in the face of fear.

 Oh, and waking up every morning with an undeniable excitement for life!!

Look, We Know That You’ve Already Been Taking Big Steps In Your Journey To Realizing Your Purpose


You’ve been following gurus online, subscribing to self-help programs, reading books, and listening non-stop to new-age podcasts.

But, up until this point, there’s something you’ve been missing ...
There is no bigger obstacle in your way other than you.
Take a deep breath, because I’m about to show you how to neutralize what’s in your way.


I know that you’re frustrated because you can’t seem to get a handle on your relationship with yourself.


You are torn ...
One day you’re one person. The next day you’re someone else.
You want to be confident in who you are so you can live a more passion-led, meaningful life - without wondering what to do about all the loose threads in your life every 10 minutes.


Oh, and - let’s see - you want to finally understand exactly what your path is so you can finally feel some meaningful forward momentum!


Let’s get real - I know exactly why you feel so conflicted:
In your search for purpose, you are seeing thousands of self-development options, but you’re frozen by the number of options, and it’s causing you to either be inconsistent or fail to take any action at all.

But Here’s The Deal:

If you try to go on this journey alone, it’s going to be very difficult to achieve your goals. Ready to finally know yourself?


The Embodied Babe

Grow As You Go Course


A program for those who want to have clarity on finding their life purpose through self-exploration. 

When you implement what you learn in Grow As You Go, you will have a better relationship with yourself and your environment, and you will begin to become the person you’ve always wanted to be.


Here’s What You’re Going To Get Inside The Embodied Babe

Grow As You Go Course: ($100 Value)

Journaling 101
Start, maintain, and get the most out of your journaling experience, and how manifest the life you’ve always wanted by writing it down first.

Self Love 101
Learn how to love yourself and unlearn negative self-beliefs that keep you feeling unloved and unlovable.

Discover how to set firm boundaries and keep them, respecting yourself and others through clear and concise communication.

How To Get Unstuck
Liberate yourself and learn how to move forward in your life and career when you don’t see a path ahead.

You'll Also Get Access To These Special Bonuses:

 The Embodied Babe Platinum Club

● Cast your selection for Official Embodied Babe retreats, merchandise, and more!
● Be the first to know when special programs are scheduled
● Get access to discounted premier products

The Embodied Babe Resource Library

($100 Value)

The Embodied Babe Webinar Library


Bianca Taylor's Goal Setting Guide 

($35 Value)

Original price $335 now only $47!
I Want It! Only $47!

"I never thought I could feel this confident" 


Emmy Ray

“Since knowing and spending time with Bianca she has completely changed my mindset and perspective. Before her I felt completely lost on my path. She has inspired and supported me through personal and business growth.  She has shown me how to balance my mental health while still keeping myself accountable towards my short and long term goals. She is the first person I go to as I know she will always give me non judgemental, objective advice and clarity. Without her my outlook and vision for my future would be incredibly foggy.”

Gina Palm

“Bianca, you have changed my life more than you will ever know. I used to struggle living paycheck to paycheck and never having the guts and the confidence to change anything and do better. You gave me that confidence. I am still killing it on onlyfans almost a full year later. I am so grateful for that. Thank you. Stay beautiful and keep inspiring powerful women!”

Kiley Lane Williams

“The energy and knowledge that Bianca has put out there has helped me to step into my highest self. I feel confident to express myself as the woman I know I was meant to be, and this confidence has helped me to break patterns that weren’t serving my highest self. I’ve reached milestones not just personally, but financially as well, by applying her knowledge in everything that I do. To say that Bianca has changed my life for the better would be an understatement.”

Who Am I? 


My name is Bianca Taylor and I'm a life, wellness, and business coach. I've founded several successful businesses and coached hundreds of women, helping them transform their lives, businesses, and relationships. 

From seeing my business make over $100,000.00 in a week to creating videos that accumulate millions of views online, I have been able to observe the importance of self alignment when it comes to being an entrepreneur/ content creator. 

All the while on my entrepreneurial journey, I've continually invested in my own mental,
spiritual, and emotional expansion. From working with coaches specializing in spirituality, relationships, intimacy, and mindset, I have been able to experience firsthand how your relationship with yourself is key in achieving the spiritual and financial success you envision for yourself. I've also learned from amazing business mentors to acquire the tools that the most successful people in the world use to navigate their journey. 

I wasn't afforded the luxury of having parental or financial assistance on my journey, I worked from the ground up. That's why I'm so happy to take what I’ve learned and create blueprints to share with others just like me. 

Wondering If The Grow As You Go Course Is Right For You?


This is perfect for the person who wants to shed their insecurities, break old patterns that have been holding them back, and finally become the powerful woman they are capable of becoming.

This is not a good fit for someone who thinks they don't need to make any habit changes or is completely okay with their relationship with themself.

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Now Is The Time To Finally Realize Your Purpose!


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Let's Grow!